Contact us

To get a response to your query as quickly as possible, please call us on 02920 100346 and a member of our customer service team will be able to help you. Alternatively, you can send us a contact form using one of the options below. We will reply to your written enquiry with three working days.

Existing Customers

It is easier and quicker to contact us when you are logged in to your account

No account?

If you don't have an account with us yet, we would love to hear from you!


Driscoll 2
Ellen Street
CF10 4BP


02920 100346

Opening Hours:

Monday ~ Friday

8.00am ~ 8.00pm


9.00am ~ 1.00pm

Heat and Hot Water Emergencies

02920 100346

Call the number above – lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week